Saturday, May 3, 2008

Contact PORTES ET FENETRES Blog to ask permission to print their photos

I ran across this awesome photo blog of doors and windows called Portes et Fenetres via DesignMom. I wanted to print several of their photos for a collage for my living room.

I wouldn't mind paying for them but bare minimum I wanted to ask permission to use their photos. I can't find any contact information on the blog. Would anyone know how to get in contact with them?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Note To Self #4

Do NOT make a menu, get groceries and clean the house for the company that is coming-- ALL ON THE SAME DAY! That is a recipe for a crying, stressed female that should have known better.

Note To Self #3

You are not getting any younger. The wrinkles around your eyes are proof.

Note To Self #2

Order a salad or wrap when going out to eat at a fast food place with children.

You might as well order something cold so that after you get interrupted 15 times and make 7 bathroom visits before your ice in your drink has a chance to melt, your food will still be exactly as ordered.

Note To Self #1

It is perfectly acceptable to do homework under Mom and Dad's bed as long as you have a tray and a headlamp.